HERDSA Connect Blog

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The Secret to Student Satisfaction is Engagement: Key Strategies for Educators

Pam Draganovic, Jessica Gill, & Laura Petridis outline several useful strategies for boosting students satisfaction through increasing engagement.

Don’t assess what you don’t teach: Scaffolding teamwork & oral presentation skills

Samantha Newell outlines the importance of constructive alignment & scaffolding skills, such as team work, through learning activities & formative assessments

Building Bridges Globally: How Institutions Can Empower Collaborative Online Learning

Valerie Cooper introduces the fantastic opportunities provided by Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and discusses how to make these experiences happen.

The Silent Epidemic: Student Grief in Higher Education

Alexandra Ridgway sheds light on grieving students, describing it as a silent epidemic. She argues that these students need time, understanding & connection.

Reflecting and projecting – what path will you take?

Daniel Andrews prompts the reader to consider the value of reflecting on the previous year and projecting forward into 2025.

Academic Development: The Art of Shaping Professional Identity & Educational Excellence

Yoko Mori provides insights about the art of academic development and poses the question "What does the art of academic development mean to you?"

Developing a practical resilience building technique for HE educators and students

Ruth Friedmann & Emma Wong discuss the importance of resilience building and an on-going study to investigate a method to assist people to build resilience within the context of higher education.

Engagement Over Attendance: Meeting the Needs of Modern Learners

Tegan Bradley discusses strategies we can use to enhance student engagement, while being mindful of the needs of the modern learner.

Empowering Professional Identity Formation: Pathways to Success

In this post, Abigail Lewis delves into the key factors shaping the professional identity of health science students
