Educational Organisations within Australia

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Association for Academic Language and Learning (AALL Inc.)
The Association for Academic Language and Learning (AALL Inc.) is an organisation for professionals who work with university students to enhance their development of academic language, literacy and learning. The role of AALL members is an important one in today’s universities, given the increasing pressures to maintain excellence in teaching and learning with diminishing resources and given that there is good evidence that AALL professionals are indeed able to impact on students’ development of skills, and overall success and retention. The AALL is a hub of discussion and purposive activity, through its conferences, meetings, website, and representations it may decide to make to the wider community. The Associations also aims to encourage forums where concerns about the ways that we and our work are positioned in our institutional contexts can be raised, debated, and where possible, acted upon.

Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
AARE is an association of academics engaged in and reporting education research into schools, higher education, learning, teaching, teachers and students. This site contains articles, conference papers, the AARE journal The Australian Educational Researcher, news, book reviews, research data and analyses of educational research.

Australasian Council for Undergraduate Research(ACUR)

The Australasian Council for Undergraduate Research (ACUR) is the peak professional organisation for the promotion and advancement of undergraduate research in Australasia. Driven by the understanding that undergraduate research experiences enable students to develop crucial higher order thinking and practical skills that enhance their work readiness, ACUR strives to provide opportunities for students in Australasia to showcase their undergraduate research, engage with potential employers and build networks of like-minded colleagues worldwide. Established in 2013, through Federal Australian Government funding, ACUR has a proud history of supporting university staff and student engagement in undergraduate research through the annual Australasian Conference of Undergraduate Research, professional development resources, consultancy and colloquia, and student mentoring programs. ACUR is an independent not-for-profit organisation incorporated in New South Wales.

Association for Tertiary Education Management (ATEM)
ATEM is a specialised and developing professional association within academic institutions within Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Fiji. Members hold a commitment to the highest standards of professional practice within management of the higher education sector. ATEM publishes the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management.

Australasian Council on Open, Distance and E-learning (ACODE)
This council is the peak Australasian organisation for institutions engaged in or interested in open, distance and flexible education. Formerly the National Council on Open and Distance Education (NCODE), ACODE provides advice on policy relating to distance and open education, and sponsors best practice. ACODE also provides advice to major decision-making bodies on the development of open and distance education, and promotes excellence in open and distance education.

Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE)
This association is a society for those involved in tertiary computer-based education and training, including educational interactive multimedia. It provides a forum to stimulate discussion of relevant issues in the educational use of technology, as well as promoting research and evaluation. ASCILITE holds an annual conference and other occasional activities. The annual ASCILITE awards recognise exemplary use of electronic technologies in teaching and learning in tertiary education.

Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE)
The Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators is the peak organisation for practitioners involved in education and training of health professionals in Australia, New Zealand and the Western Pacific region. ANZAHPE promotes educational research through seeding grants, awards and conference presentations, as well as through its peer-reviewed journal, Focus on Health Professional Education.

Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT)
CAULLT is the peak professional body for leaders in learning and teaching whose responsibilities include academic development. Membership is open to universities in the Australasian region.  CAULLT seeks  to enhance its members' capacity as key strategic leaders and advisers in tertiary learning and teaching.

Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA)
This is an association of members interested in the practice and administration of distance education and open learning. ODLAA is a non-profit organisation managed by an Executive Committee of members operating in a voluntary capacity. The Association’s aims and objectives are to: advance the practice and study of distance education in Australia, foster communication between distance educators and maintain and extend links with other national and international associations with related aims and objectives. The ODLAA journal Distance Education is published three times a year.

The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)
TEQSA regulates and assures the quality of Australia’s large, diverse and complex higher education sector. The Australian higher education system comprises both public and private universities, Australian branches of overseas universities, and other higher education providers with and without self-accrediting authority. Qualifications available from higher education providers range from undergraduate awards, (bachelor degrees, associate degrees or advanced diplomas) to postgraduate awards, including graduate diplomas, masters degrees and doctoral degrees.

Universities Australia
Universities Australia is the industry peak body representing 38 universities in the tertiary education sector. Formerly known as the Australian Vice-Chancellors\’ Committee (AVCC), Universities Australia acts as a consultative and advisory body for all Australian university affairs, making submissions to public inquiries of interest to the university sector, and preparing statements on major issues.