Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
HERDSA Guides provide useful ideas and information on many aspects of teaching and learning. Written by experts in specific fields, they are short, inexpensive and easy to read. The HERDSA Guides Editor and Editorial Committee review proposals for HERDSA Guides and other occasional publications and supports and advises authors in the writing process. The Guidelines for Authors page provides information for authors of guides and other relevant information pertaining to the publication process. HERDSA seeks authors to propose new Guides to add to the series.
HERDSA Guides are now available as hard copy or epublications. Epublications can be accessed via the KORTEX free app for phones or tablets or via the KORTEX website. Login and use the password provided. The guides cannot be downloaded and printed out if purchasing epublications. As part of the ordering process is manual please note that the guides usually take approx 24-48 hours for you to receive a login and it will take longer if a weekend is involved as this office is normally closed Saturday and Sunday.
The mobile user interface
Once you have loaded your books, your mobile view allows all the functionality you’d expect. You can:
View all about the mobile app and KORTEX access at https://www.kortext.com/kortext-apps/
Guidelines for Submitting a Guides Proposal
HERDSA Guides are intended as a resource that will assist in the enhancement of the management, curriculum development, teaching and learning practices within the tertiary sector. The Guides are relatively short, inexpensive, easy to read manuals which provide pragmatic ideas for immediate use.
Specific criteria for Guide proposals and developed manuscripts include:
The following is a list of headings which should be address to assist the Editorial Committee in determining the suitability of a proposal for a Guide:
Proposals should be submitted as email attachments in the form of Word files to the HERDSA office: office@herdsa.org.au. In the subject line please write Guide Proposal - surname of the first author. Submitted proposals should not be concurrently being considered by another publisher.
Further advice for prospective authors
Contact the HERDSA office by email: office@herdsa.org.au
In the subject line write: Attention: The Editor, HERSDA Guides