Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
A HERDSA Special Interest Group (SIG) provides HERDSA members with a network of like-minded colleagues with whom you can talk about shared research interests as well as potentially undertake some collaborative research.
At each HERDSA conference a session is run in which you can learn more about SIGs. If you are interested in joining a SIG or starting up a new one, you can register your interest by emailing your name, institution and research interest/SIG to office@herdsa.org.au
HERSDA members may join more than one SIG. To join a SIG, please click Member Login on the HERDSA site, click My Dashboard, click Edit Your Profile, select the SIGs you wish to join under My Networks, then click Save.
For a copy of the HERDSA SIG Handbook (PDF) click on download.
International Academics Special Interest Group
This group aims to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, research opportunities, and professional development among international academics working in Australasia.
International academics bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the Australian academic landscape, especially in teaching, research and academic leadership. However, they often face unique challenges, including cultural adaptation, language barriers, lack of local network, visa regulations, and professional integration. Establishing the HERDSA International Academics Special Interest Group (IASiG) will address these challenges by providing a platform for support and collaboration. In addition, the IASIG will also provide:
1.Networking and support opportunities - platform for international academics to connect and share experiences. Sometimes being international can be isolating; this IASiG will be able to create opportunities for peer support (esp. when settling in and/or when going for promotion)
2.Mentorship - Senior academics can mentor newbies from similar cultural backgrounds who understand the context of where they have come from.
3.Diversity and enhance inclusion: Highlights the importance of diversity in academia and lean towards inclusive practices. Also creates a platform for cultural exchange and contacts, thus broadening our understanding of others' ways of working to enrich, teaching, research, and future collaboration.
4.Research collaboration/opportunities: Platform to conduct collaborative research that leverages on the diverse backgrounds and expertise of members which can lead to cross-faculty/discipline research (since members will come from diverse disciplines and faculties)
Membership will be open to all international academics working in Australasia, including researchers, lecturers, and postdoctoral fellows. Membership benefits will include access to networking events, workshops, and online forum.
The IASiG will organise a variety of activities, including:
1.Networking Events: Regular meetups and social events to foster connections.
2.Workshops and Seminars: Professional development sessions on topics such as grant writing, publishing, and career advancement.
3.Research Collaborations: Facilitating collaborative research projects and interdisciplinary partnerships.
4.Advocacy: Representing the interests of international academics to university administrations and government bodies.
SIG Co- Leaders
A/Professor Linda Ng
University of Southern Queensland
Dr Jasvir Kaur Nachatar Singh
La Trobe University
Dr Jason Wong
Australian Catholic University
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning SIG engages academics, professional staff, third-space staff and part-time teaching staff. Its vision is to support HERDSA’s aims to facilitate and promote the enhancement of teaching and learning, encourage and disseminate research on higher education and tertiary teaching and learning, encourage collaboration and the development of professional communities in higher and tertiary education and assist its members in their ongoing professional development.
This SIG is especially relevant for any individual who is new to SoTL and wishes to:
Aims for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group:
To support the professional development of its members by offering opportunities for networking, mentoring, and collaboration.
SIG Co-Leaders
Dr Trisha Poole (Academic Developer)
University of Southern Queensland
Sue Sharpe (Education Designer)
Australian National University
HERDSA Special Interest Group: HASS (Humanities, Arts, Social Science)
The HASS SIG will explore through inquiry, conversation and collaboration the position and potential of HASS education in Australian tertiary settings. This SIG will provide a platform for academics and scholars interested in HASS education to exchange insights, engage in discussion, and share experiences while exploring new ways to prepare future HASS graduates for the world beyond university. This SIG will also create opportunities for collaborations between its members.
It is common to hear doubts about the worthiness, applicability and viability of HASS degrees. This SIG will explore the ways to foster conversation within and beyond academia and promote a social discourse in order to engage with contemporary debates regarding the HASS disciplines. It will also contribute to the broader project of building a stronger HASS SoTL community.
SIG Chair
Dr Nira Rahman
Arts Teaching Innovation
Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne
nira.rahman@unimelb.edu.au or +61421391265
HERDSA Special Interest Group: Online Engagement in Higher Education
HERDSA Online Engagement in Higher Education Special Interest Group is focused on the phenomenon of online higher education student engagement, and the aspects that both hinder and foster this engagement. This may include, but not limited to; student online engagement, pedagogical implications of online engagement, roles related to the facilitation and designing of learning for online engagement, frameworks that inform online engagement; non-engagement, assessment design for engagement, teacher presence, student motivation, synchronous and asynchronous learning activities that foster student engagement and learning, the use of course learning analytics and nudging to enhance or track engagement, barriers and enablers of engagement, as well as the affordances of education technology as a means of fostering online student engagement.
SIG co-chairs:
Dr Alice Brown (Senior Lecturer, Early Childhood Education)
University of Southern Queensland
Associate Professor Jay Cohen
The University of Adelaide (Academic Director - Online Transmission)
Education Transformation, Division of Academic and Student Engagement
HERDSA Special Interest Group: Health Sciences
The role of Health Sciences SIG is to focus on health science education across undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs including professional healthcare courses (medicine, nursing, dentistry, psychology, physiotherapy etc) and more generic ones including but not limited to health promotion, nutrition, and public health. This SIG aims to develop new practices around authentic learning which may involve experiential and/or work-integrated approach, design of authentic assessment that may integrative reflective pieces on student preparedness for workforce, knowledge translation and teaching and learning practice improvement.
If you would like to get involved in the Health Science SIG please contact the SIG Leader Snezana Kusljic.
SIG Leader: Snezana Kusljic
Email: skusljic@unimelb.edu.au
HERDSA Special Interest Group: Assessment Quality
The Assessment Quality SIG spans academics, professional staff, part-time teaching staff, casuals and students. Its vision is to support HERDSA's aims and wider membership to better understand what constitutes meaningful assessment with a particular focus on how to apply effective quality improvement of assessment. A key reference point is new requirements with respect to Assessment Quality as laid down in the revised HESF (higher education standards framework) and forms the basis of TEQSA re-registration of all Higher Education providers.
This SIG is especially relevant for anyone who:
We have the following aims:
If you want to get involved in the growing conversation about Assessment Quality then join the Facebook site Facebook site:
Contact SIG Leader: Simon Bedford email: s.bedford@westernsydney.edu.au
Contact SIG Deputy Leader: Pranit Anand email: pranit.anand@unsw.edu.au
HERDSA Special Interest Group: Academic Development
The Academic Development SIG is a platform for those who are engaged in academic development, professional development, teaching and learning support, and similar activities to support academic staff, as well as the teaching and research in these areas. As there are usually only few academic developers in individual tertiary institutions, we wish to provide a community of practice and aim to provide a platform to
If you want to be involved in the activities of the SIG, or be kept up to date, please join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/156781188337793/ A mailing list will be set up in the near future.
For more information or for additional ideas or activities for the SIG, please contact one of the Committee members:
Erik Brogt
University of Canterbury
Julie Timmermans
University of Otago
Maxine Mitchell
University of the Sunshine Coast