HERDSA Grants Scheme

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HERDSA Grants Scheme


HERDSA offers grants to HERDSA members to fund research and/or development projects on teaching and learning in higher education that directly align to the mission of HERDSA . In the 2024 round, up to six grants of AUD$5000 each are available (plus GST for expenses accruing in Australia). Priority for one grant will be given to applicants identifying as Indigenous/First Nations (e.g., Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Māori or Pacific Nations).

The call for 2024 HERDSA Grant applications opens in 30 November 2023. Applications close at the end of February 2024. Successful applicants will be informed at the end of May 2024. Grant holders have one year to complete their projects. Grant progress reports are due end of January 2025 and final reports end of June 2025.

For detailed information see the guidelines document.


2023 Awarded Grants -  Abstracts

Pranit Anand and Carl Sherwood - UNSW

Students’ contextualised storytelling within contemporary assessment practices in higher education.

Rachel Hains-Wesson, Anne Marie Fannon; Borghild Brekke Hauglid - University of Sydney

Navigating Online Research Experiences Through a Fun Model: An Evaluation Research Project.

Jan Orrell - Flinders Univ, Svetlana De Vos, Sumesh Nair, Mamun Ala - AIB

Creating Ethical Mindedness and Ethical Imagination in Professions Education

Bep Ulink - Murdoch University

Co-Design of Online On-Country Learning and Micro-credentials

Jason Lodge, Elizabeth Edwards, Daniel Griffiths - University of Queensland Can and should I do this? Regulating student motivation to improve engagement during
transition to higher education