Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
2023 hails new beginnings. It’s been a long road for many having survived covid, organisational restructures, business closures, downsizing, moving home and re-locating, and even unemployment. It is heartening to report that the HERDSA community has been steadfast and resilient throughout these challenges; staying connected, collaborating, celebrating, and together striving to make a difference in higher education in the ‘new normal’. Staff and students are returning to campus. International borders are open, staff and student mobility is easier.
With the support of a committed Executive, in my first term of office we have achieved most goals set in the HERDSA Strategic Action Plan. Our 50-year celebration of HERDSA and the 50 Years of HERDSA project documenting HERDSA history; the adoption of HERDSA Values aligned to the HERDSA Mission and Goals; and a new Taylor and Francis publishing contract for the HERD journal are all major achievements. A huge thanks to all members who contributed to the development of the HERDSA Values.
Our new HERDSA Group membership was taken up by four universities, resulting in eighty new members. A Reference Guide to Executive Roles and Responsibilities was created; the HERDSA website revamped; and the HERDSA Members’ Survey designed along with improved and streamlined HERDSA Fellowship application, mentoring and assessment processes. The SoTL modules continue to be popular and three new Special Interest Groups were formed.
The 2023 HERDSA Conference will be held in Brisbane in July. I look forward to catching up with colleagues. The usual conference awards and grants are available including the Roger Landbeck prize. Branches are encouraged to identify and nominate deserving candidates and propose Life Members. We welcome our new HERD journal editorial team led by co-editors Dr Cally Guerin and A/P Susan Blackley, who will continue the previous team’s achievement of higher rankings and wider readership.
The Executive continues to be committed to our membership, and the goals of HERDSA. I look forward to working with the new Executive to be ratified at the AGM. I invite you to email portfolio leads, your branch chair, or me directly at kogi@ihm.edu.au. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to lead HERDSA as President for another term of office. I am thrilled.
Do stay connected and safe.
Professor Kogi Naidoo
The HERDSA Connect Blog offers comment and discussion on higher education issues; provides information about relevant publications, programs and research and celebrates the achievements of our HERDSA members.
HERDSA Connect links members of the HERDSA community in Australasia and beyond by sharing branch activities, member perspectives and achievements, book reviews, comments on contemporary issues in higher education, and conference reflections.
Members are encouraged to respond to articles and engage in ongoing discussion relevant to higher education and aligned to HERDSA’s values and mission. Contact Daniel Andrews Daniel.Andrews@herdsa.org.au to propose a blog post for the HERDSA Connect blog.
HERDSA members can login to comment and subscribe.