Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 40: Curriculum Transformation

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 40: Curriculum Transformation

June, 2017, 455 pages
Ruth Walker & Simon Bedford
Table of contents

Capturing creative research in the academy.

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Adams, L. & Newman, R.

Curriculum transformation using a blended learning design toolkit

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Alammary, A., Carbone, A. & Sheard, J.

Transforming undergraduate nursing curriculum by aligning models of clinical reasoning through simulation.

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Blakey, N., Guinea, S. & Saghafi, F.

A framework to embed employability initiatives in undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths programs.

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Brent, G., Sanger, G. & John, R.

Understanding academic educators' work in supporting student wellbeing

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Brooker, A., Baik, C. & Larcombe, W.

Program transformation: reimagining distance education in the digital world.

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Chisholm, O.

Exploring the use of a community of practice to improve blended and flipped approaches to teaching and learning health sciences.

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Clarkson, G. & Dark, L.

Digital Literacy- a driver for curriculum transformation.

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Coldwell-Neilson, J.

Learning-centred analytics: Proposing an embedded learning analytics approach to better understand learning and its affordances in a School of Education.

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Colvin, C., Hardy, G., Lim, L., Taddeo, C. & Trenholm, S.

What about me? Staff perspectives on the implementation of Intensive Mode of Delivery in an undergraduate science program.

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Czaplinski, I., Sillence, M., Parsons, S., de Laat, M., Devine, C., Phillips, M., Fyfield, B. & Boman, M.

Providing effective delivery in English: Exploring challenges and strategies of academics from non-native English speaking backgrounds.

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Dang, T.K.A. & Vu, T.T.P.

Creating inter-professional collaboration opportunities within curriculum: An exploration of the impact on professional identity.

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Dark, L. & Sheppard, L.

Harnessing the potential of the student voice to enhance curriculum (re)formation.

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Darwin, S.

A. Higher Degree Research students at the centre of transformational practice: an evidence based approach.

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Hall, J., Quadrelli, C. & Sondergeld, A.

Curriculum on the map! 10 years of curriculum initiatives in higher education in Australia.

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Hicks, O.

A bridge to ïbeingÍ a practitioner: the role of pedagogical practice-in-context knowledge in the design, delivery and experience of a capstone subject.

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Houston, D. & Thompson, J.

Curriculum Evaluation and Research Framework: facilitating a teaching team approach to curriculum quality.

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Kelder, J., Carr, A. & Walls, J.

Preparing students for the workplace through designing productive assessment tasks: An actionable knowledge perspective.

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Markauskaite, L. & Goodyear, P.

Strengthening the first-year gateways: a collaborative approach to facilitating curriculum transformation.

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Matt, I., Duck, J., Moni, K. & Frost, C.

Effective classroom teachers and the challenge of envisioning possibilities for online teaching

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McCormack, C., Carbone, A. & Dang, K.A.

Career aspirations and skills expectations of undergraduate IT students: Are they realistic?.

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McKenzie, S., Coldwell-Neilson, J. & Palmer, S.

Exploring an approach to embedding employability skills in a Work Integrated Learning curriculum

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McLachlan, K., Yeomans, L., & Lim, K-Z-G.

Using curriculum design principles to renew teaching and learning in developmental psychology

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Millear, M.R., Greenaway R.R., & Schmidt, J.R.

The influence of geography on engineering employability and implications for undergraduate curriculum design

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Palmer, S.

Ready or not, here I come! Learning to support: Year 12 students' university study choices

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Parks, A., Mills, J., Weber, D., Westwell, M & Barovich, K.

Leadership from within: Empowering curriculum transformation amongst higher education teaching staff.

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Patton, N. & Sutton, K.

Evaluation and curriculum transformation: Two MOOCs, new learning environments, many pathways

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Philip, R. & Greener, E.

University teacher development program impact beyond graduation: More than changing the individual.

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Pizzica, J., Heard, R., & Thistlethwaite, J.

Educating for a profession: Curriculum as transformation and curriculum transformation.

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Press, N. & Padro, F.

Cheating or outsourcing: at what point does buying assessment become authentic professional practice?

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Rowland, S.

A study on peer feedback training on nursing studentsÍ formulation of task, process and self-regulation feedback during skills laboratory sessions

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Seng, M.G.J & Shih, C.Y.

Becoming civil engineers: Embedding academic and professional communicative practices in the curriculum

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Smith, K., Kehrwald, J., Smith, E., Moulton, D. &Corcoran, P.

Course design as a collaborative enterprise: Incorporating interdisciplinarity into a backward mapping systems approach to course design in Higher Education

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Thomson, E.A., Auhl, G., Hicks, K., McPherson, K. Robinson, C. & Wood, D.

Continuing professional development: designing an interprofessional program for allied health placement educators

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Thomson, K., Brentnall, J., Nicole, M., Kenny, B. & McAllister, L.

Breaking down the barriers to collegial engagement at the program level

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Venema, S. & Jeremijenko, S.

Exploring misconceptions as a trigger for enhancing student learning

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Verkade, H., Lodge, J.M., Elliott, K., Mulhern, T.D., Espinosa, A.A., Cropper, S.J. & Rubinstein, B.I.P.

Building potential for transformation through a cross-institutional approach to curriculum change

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Wahr, F., Venkatraman, S., Bourke, G., de Souza-Daw, A. & Tully, C.

Students as bridges: Translating the student voice for effective curriculum evaluation

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Walker, R. & Ashford, T.

Towards engaging students in curriculum transformation: What are the effective characteristics of rubrics?

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Williams, A., Northcote, M., Morton, J. & Seddon, J.

Curriculum reform supporting health professional students to learn for their future practice: what do our first-year students think?

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Winning, T.A. & Skinner, V.J.

International curriculum in practice: A pilot study of the Common Core Curriculum in a Hong Kong university

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Zou, T.