Interaction and diversity in the Australian law classroom

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 39: The Shape of Higher Education

July, 2016, 391 pages
Published by
Melissa Davis & Allan Goody

Recognition of increased diversity within Australian legal education means law teachers have to respond to a broader variety of student needs, both at a macro level in admissions and curriculum planning and at a micro level through learning and teaching. Australian law schools have spent the last decade addressing the macro level rather than exploring the needs of the micro. This paper draws on Goffman’s ideas of how people engage in a ‘quiet sorting’ of others according to various attributes to outline strategies for creating and maintaining learning spaces that welcome and engage with diversity.

Keywords: Student diversity, student-teacher interaction, legal education

Interaction and diversity in the Australian law classroom

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Israel, M., Skead, N., Heath, M., Hewitt, A., Galloway, K., & Steel, A.