Reconceptualising the Lecture Space so that Student Voices Matter

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Research and Development in Higher Education Vol. 36: The Place of Learning and Teaching

July, 2013, 534 pages
Published by
Frielick, S., Buissink-Smith, N., Wyse, P., Billot, J., Hallas, J. and Whitehead, E.

This paper argues for the reconceptualising of the lecture space to maximise the opportunities for students to be co-inquirers in the learning process and contribute effectively and purposefully to the learning dialogue. The discussion outlines the imperatives for reconceptualising and reconfiguring the lecture space and the lecturer’s role in keeping with constructivist learning approaches, the fostering of learning partnerships and the pedagogy of inquiry-based learning. The paper then describes and evaluates a case study which was designed to destabilise the conventional lecture paradigm and deliberately build the learning around student voices. The authors argue that this micro case can contribute to an informed discussion about reconceptualising ways in which student voices can come to matter in the lecture space and consequently enhance learner engagement and learner autonomy.

Keywords: lecture, students, place