HERDSA Notices 4 September 2024

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* Invitation to apply for Roger Landbeck Professional Development Fund
* Free HEDx Conference registrations for HERDSA members
* It's not too late to register for the annual Australian ePortfolio Forum!!
* CRADLE Seminar Series: Is it time to rethink the role of high-stakes examinations in university subjects?
* The Stupidity Paradox of Working in Universities | The Peer Revue
* Call for Abstracts - ANZHES Conference 2024: Truth Telling in Histories of Education
* eLearning Forum Asia 2024 - Call for Awards
* Now Open! – Deakin University Postgraduate Research (DUPR) scholarship applications - study with CRADLE
* IJAD Call for New Co-Editor and Associate Editor positions
* Responding to Students Guide
* New online first articles in Higher Education Research and Development

To submit an announcement for this list complete the online form at http://herdsa.org.au/herdsa-notices

A full list of HERDSA Notices is online at http://www.herdsa.org.au/latest-news

To unsubscribe or change your email details see http://mailman.anu.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/herdsa


Invitation to apply for Roger Landbeck Professional Development Fund 
30th September 2024

The Roger Landbeck Professional Development Fund (RLPDF) aims at supporting early career researchers from the Oceania region in their development as researchers and in connecting with their home communities. The fund aims at supporting the creation of hubs of sharing or communities of practice among early career researchers. It recognizes the importance of two-directional knowledge flows between researchers and communities and honours the knowledge of those communities.

In the 2024 round one grant of up to AUD 5,000 (plus GST for expenses accruing in Australia) is available. Applications are due on 30 September 2024. For detailed information see the guidelines document.


Free HEDx Conference registrations for HERDSA members
31 October 2024

HEDx's conferences are celebrated for their diverse and powerful line-ups of higher education sector leaders. The HEDx Future Solutions for Higher Education Conference will take place at the University of Queensland 31 October 2024. HEDx has generously offered HERDSA members 20 free registrations to the event. Email Professor Christy Collis to get your name on the comp list. Come build your sector literacy: https://hedx.com.au/future-solutions-for-higher-education-conference-2/

Further information: christy.collis[@]aipc.net.au


It's not too late to register for the annual Australian ePortfolio Forum!!
10-11 Sept (Dual Delivery)

Dear Colleagues If you haven’t already done so, it’s now time to register for the 2024 Eportfolio Forum to be held at the University of Southern Queensland‘s Toowoomba campus and online on 10-11 September 2024.

This year’s Forum’s theme is: Humanistic, Holistic, Realistic

For the full program’s see: https://sites.google.com/view/2024-eportfolio-forum

To register go to https://eportfoliosaustralia.wordpress.com/forums/2024-eportfolio-forum-...

Further information: Go to https://eportfoliosaustralia.wordpress.com/


CRADLE Seminar Series: Is it time to rethink the role of high-stakes examinations in university subjects?
11 September 2.00-3.30pm

In this seminar Melbourne University's Dr Sarah French, Senior Lecturer in Education, and Prof Raoul Mulder, Professor of Evolutionary Ecology in the School of BioSciences and Professor of Higher Education, unpack the very timely questions relating to the future of high-stake assessments.

High-stakes final examinations are widely used as summative assessments in university subjects, and the advent of Generative AI is spurring calls for even greater use of such assessments. In this seminar, we review and evaluate arguments and empirical evidence in the academic literature for and against their deployment as assessment tools in higher education. Perceived academic benefits of high-stakes examinations include their ability to test knowledge recall, motivate study, demonstrate performance under pressure in the absence of information, and their potential to safeguard academic integrity. From a logistical and resource perspective, summative examinations also are cost-effective to administer.

Nevertheless, high-stakes summative examinations have significant pedagogical drawbacks. These include concerns about their reliability and validity, their lack of real-world authenticity and relevance, their limited capacity to assess deep learning, their contribution to elevated psychological distress, and their potential to generate academic inequity as a result of gender- or ethnicity-based differences in performance. We conclude that the current heavy reliance on high-stakes assessments is poorly justified by the balance of empirical evidence. While well-designed examinations remain potentially valid assessment tools as part of a diversified assessment regime, we suggest that careful consideration be given to whether they should be retained, redesigned, reweighed or replaced.

Join us for this compelling and this topical presentation at Downtown or online.

Further information: https://CRADLE_Seminar_Series_11_September_2024.eventbrite.com.au


The Stupidity Paradox of Working in Universities | The Peer Revue
Thursday September 12

Melbourne: Come celebrate Social Sciences Week with the cast of The Peer Revue. We're putting on the most HERDSA of all comedy shows: Deakin Distinguished Professor Jill Blackmore AM talking about "The Stupidity Paradox of Working in Universities" with a cast of improvisers including a former HERDSA keynote.

Jill is an outstanding scholar of higher education, and so so funny. You'll get to hear her talk, ask some questions if you want, and watch some of Melbourne's finest improvisers find the funny in the craziness that is higher education.

Thursday September 12 7:30pm @ Motley Bauhaus, 118 Elgin Street, Carlton VIC (yep it's a new venue for us)
Tickets: https://socialsciencesweek.org.au/event/the-stupidity-paradox-of-working...
In partnership with The Academy of Social Sciences.

Further information: https://socialsciencesweek.org.au/event/the-stupidity-paradox-of-working...


Call for Abstracts - ANZHES Conference 2024: Truth Telling in Histories of Education
Friday 13 September

The Australia and New Zealand History of Education Association Conference 2024 invites papers that explore the friction sparked by truth telling reinterpretation of the past. What methods are needed to write this new history? What voices must be heard and how are they to be interpreted? How do we do justice to the legacies of those from the past? How are we to grapple with the reaction that reinterpretation provokes? What more are historians of education obliged to do with new stories?

Historians of education, those interested in contested histories, historians of place, heritage and collections, are invited to reflect on these questions, and also reflect on ways in which from the friction created by the clash of conflicting perspectives, perhaps new agreement can be reached. International presenters will have the option to present virtually if they are unable to attend the Symposium in person.

Papers could range from (but are not limited to)
Contested ideas of education
Ideas of progress and its different interpretations
Colonialism and education
Public histories of education
Digital histories of education
Place in educational Institutions
Memory and nostalgia, and emotional connection in education
The relationship between education and museums, collections and education
Restitution, repatriation, reparation and education

Submission deadline
Please submit your abstracts of 350 words by Friday 13 September 2024 (midnight AEST) using the form below.

Further information: https://melbourne-cshe.unimelb.edu.au/events/2024-anzhes-conference#call...


eLearning Forum Asia 2024 - Call for Awards
15 September 2024

Established in 2019, the eLFA Awards align with the Mission of eLearning Forum Asia to promote the nexus between education and technology, through facilitating the exchange of challenges and successes experienced by different institutions.

We sincerely invite you to submit applications for the eLFA 2024 awards. For details, please visit: https://awards.elfasia.org/

Further information: https://awards.elfasia.org/


Now Open! – Deakin University Postgraduate Research (DUPR) scholarship applications - study with CRADLE
6 Oct 2024

This is your opportunity to undertake a PhD with the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE).
Applications for Round 1 Higher Degree by Research DUPR PhD Scholarships for 2025 are now open! If you’re a domestic or international student specifically interested in the areas of assessment and/or digital learning, you can apply for a scholarship to undertake your research with CRADLE. The successful applicant will work on a project that considers assessment and/or digital learning in higher education, and will contribute evidence to inform assessment research, policy, and practice. We welcome applications that align to CRADLE’s research themes, and encourage applicants to consult our list of prospective topics.
• Effective feedback for learning – including feedback literacy
• The implications of generative Artificial Intelligence for assessment and feedback in higher education
• Academic integrity and assessment security in online assessment
• Developing evaluative judgement
• The role of the social world in feedback and assessment (e.g. culture, relationships, emotions, and power)
• New knowledge practices in a time of artificial intelligence
• Diversity and inclusion in assessment and feedback design and practice
• The longer-term effects of assessment and feedback: student identities, being and becoming
• Alternative representations of achievement

Scholarship applications are open to domestic and international students (international candidates must already be in Australia or be able to gain a visa and travel to Melbourne by May 2025). The scholarship will be awarded on a full-time basis based at CRADLE’s Melbourne CBD location, Deakin Downtown.

Further information: https://blogs.deakin.edu.au/cradle/apply-for-a-2025-phd-scholarship-now/


IJAD Call for New Co-Editor and Associate Editor positions
11 October 2024

The International Journal for Academic Development (IJAD) is currently seeking expressions of interest for 1-2 Co-editor and/or 1-2 Associate Editor roles. We are looking for colleagues based in Oceania, Europe, the Middle East or South America to serve in editorial roles. The new co-editor(s) will replace the position currently held by Professor Klara Bolander Laksov (Sweden), a role that involves collaborating with three other co-editors to offer strategic oversight over the journal. The new associate editor(s) will engage with a team of seven continuing associate editors in a role that offers an excellent introduction to scholarly publishing in academic development. The appointments will be for four years (1 January 2025 until 31 December 2028).

For more information see: https://icedonline.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/IJAD-Call-for-new-edit...
The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is 11th October 2024.

Questions about the position should be directed to Johan Geertsema (johan.geertsema@nus.edu.sg), Klara Bolander Laksov (klara.bolander.laksov@edu.su.se), Gert Young (gyoung@sun.ac.za ), or Mary Wright (mary_wright@brown.edu).

Further information: https://icedonline.net/ijad-journal/


Responding to Students Guide

Dear Colleagues,

As the term begins, I am happy to provide this free resource, Responding to Student Concerns, Challenges, and Disruptions. In this guide, you will find information to help instructors take proactive steps to provide a supportive learning environment in their courses.

Feel free to forward this email to all instructors and administrators on your campus, including graduate students, postdocs, adjuncts, and sessionals, so that they can take advantage of the guide and series of emails. If you are an educational developer and do not want to sign up for the follow up emails, please let me know and I will send you the guide for your own use.

To receive this free guide, please go to: https://iteachhe.com/responding-to-student-concerns-challenges-and-disru...

Cynthia Korpan, PhD (she/her)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies, UVic


New online first articles in Higher Education Research and Development

Using crowdfunding as a source of research funding: challenges and required competences, Regina Lenart-Gansiniec, https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2024.2396341

Students’ informal learning interactions in health professions education: insights from a qualitative synthesis, Sarah Barradell, Amani Bell, Kate Thomson & Jessica Hughes, https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2024.2393125



In the spirit of reconciliation HERDSA acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australasia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.