Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
* HERDSA Blog Post: Celebrating the Success of HERDSA 2024: A Memorable Journey in Higher Education
* HERDSA SoTL SIG - September meeting - THIS FRIDAY! --- Maximizing Conference Opportunities for SoTL: Engaging, Sharing, and Grow
* HERDSA WEBINAR: Student and Staff Engagement with Generative AI: Opportunities for Roleplaying and Professional Development
* HERDSA WA Rekindled 2024
* Invitation to apply for Roger Landbeck Professional Development Fund
* HERDSA WEBINAR - Peppering up your ‘SoTL’ methodologies
* HERDSA 2025 Annual Conference Abstract submissions are now open
* Fellowship Panel Discussion - Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success
* Technology Enabled Mentoring for the Higher Education Community
* Third Sector’s 5th National Indigenous Education Summit
* Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching position at SISTC
* CRADLE Symposium Panel - How could generative AI change work-integrated learning?
* Gen AI and Assessment in Higher Education: How Are We Tracking, and What’s Next?
* There’s still time to register for the Indigenous Higher Education Curriculum Conference (IHECC) 2024
* New online first articles in Higher Education Research and Development
To submit an announcement for this list complete the online form at http://herdsa.org.au/herdsa-notices
A full list of HERDSA Notices is online at http://www.herdsa.org.au/latest-news
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HERDSA Blog Post: Celebrating the Success of HERDSA 2024: A Memorable Journey in Higher Education
Manisha Thakkar, Wednesday 18 September, 2024
Manisha Thakkar discusses HERDSA 2024 – Adelaide – Sharing practice & experience with our community
Read more: https://herdsa.org.au/herdsa-connect/celebrating-success-herdsa-2024-mem...
HERDSA SoTL SIG - September meeting - THIS FRIDAY! --- Maximizing Conference Opportunities for SoTL: Engaging, Sharing, and Grow
Friday, 20 September 2024, 12.00-1.00 pm
Topic: Maximizing Conference Opportunities for SoTL: Engaging, Sharing, and Growing
Presenters: Dr Betty Exintaris and Dr Nilushi Karunaratne (Monash University)
Date: Friday, 20 September, 12.00–1.00 pm
Join our SIG session, which is designed for academics, professional staff, and third space staff interested in advancing their SoTL journey through conference engagement. It will guide you through selecting the right conferences that align with your professional goals and institutional priorities, offering insights on how to effectively present SoTL work and leverage these opportunities for professional growth and collaboration. You will leave with a clear strategy for selecting, attending, and leveraging conference opportunities to advance your SoTL work, engage with peers, and implement practical takeaways in your practice.
Zoom registration link: https://unisq.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpduuqqT8oE9eNBtwMqrc7Bvim1eNqfKsj
Join our LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14343410/
Further information: Please feel free to contact the HERDSA SoTL SIG at herdsa.sotl.sig@gmail.com
HERDSA WEBINAR: Student and Staff Engagement with Generative AI: Opportunities for Roleplaying and Professional Development
Friday 20th September, 2024 1.00-2.00pm AEST
Student and Staff Engagement with Generative AI: Opportunities for Roleplaying and Professional Development
Presenter: Dr. James Tsatsaronis, La Trobe University
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has dominated headlines and conversations in higher education for nearly the past 2 years. Two important topics are often brought up when discussing GenAI in teaching: identifying valid use cases for this technology, and improving the GenAI literacy of staff. This presentation will discuss findings from a project evaluating student perceptions of using GenAI powered chatbots for roleplay learning activities using the Cogniti platform and also describe progress and some reflections on efforts to improve the GenAI literacy of teaching staff at La Trobe University. This session will include time for Q&A and general discussion.
Further information: https://www.herdsa.org.au/herdsa-webinar-series
HERDSA WA Rekindled 2024
25th September 2024
The HERDSA WA Branch is excited to invite you to the annual HERDSA WA Rekindled 2024, taking place on the 25th September 2024 at ECU (Joondalup)! The HERDSA WA Rekindled event is an annual mini-conference designed for HERDSA WA members who were unable to attend the main HERDSA Conference earlier this year in Adelaide.
Join us for a day of thought-provoking presentations and round-table discussions delivered by your WA colleagues. The event is also an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded HERDSA members, sharing ideas and even fostering potential collaborations.
Event details:
Date: Wednesday, 25th September 2024
Time: 10 am - 2 pm
Location: ECU Joondalup, Building 34 Room 545
Further information: Please register here: https://shorturl.at/OFwR8
Invitation to apply for Roger Landbeck Professional Development Fund
30th September 2024
The Roger Landbeck Professional Development Fund (RLPDF) aims at supporting early career researchers from the Oceania region in their development as researchers and in connecting with their home communities. The fund aims at supporting the creation of hubs of sharing or communities of practice among early career researchers. It recognizes the importance of two-directional knowledge flows between researchers and communities and honours the knowledge of those communities.
In the 2024 round one grant of up to AUD 5,000 (plus GST for expenses accruing in Australia) is available. Applications are due on 30 September 2024. For detailed information see the guidelines document.
HERDSA WEBINAR - Peppering up your ‘SoTL’ methodologies
Monday 21st October, 2024 - 12.00pm AWST or 3.00pm AEDST
This session is open to all academics from different disciplines, who are interested in learning more about the scholardhip of teaching and learning. The session provides an opportunity to gain insights from four colleagues who have employed SoTL methodologies for thier research projects. These include: collaborative autoethnography, case study, phenomenology and mixed methods approaches, ethics, strengths and weaknesses of approaches and examples
Chair: A.Prof Kathie Ardzejewska (University of Notre Dame)
Kathie is an experienced educator, researcher, and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) practitioner, having led the design, implementation, and dissemination of a number of projects. She is a postgraduate research supervisor and has published and presented nationally and internationally. She is currently researching in leading learning, wellbeing in higher education and scholarship frameworks.
Prof Lauren Stephenson – Collaborative autoethnography (University of Notre Dame)
Lauren is an experienced Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) practitioner, having led the design, implementation, and dissemination of a number of projects including those drawing on narrative and autoethnographic approaches. She is a postgraduate research supervisor and has published and presented both nationally and internationally. She was the principle investigator for over 40 research projects and has over 20 quality publications in English language teaching (ELT) & TESOL. She is currently researching in leading learning, teaching & assessment expertise (in educational leadership, reflective practice & reflexivity).
Prof Darren Bryant – Case Studies (Curtin University)
Darren has a long career-long passion and strength in programme and curriculum development allowing him to initiate and contribute to the design and implementation of innovative undergraduate and higher degrees programmes. He has led or contributed to 13 teaching- related grants that have supported pedagogical and curriculum innovation in Curtin University and with partner schools. His research is guided by a commitment to leadership that makes a difference in educational and organizational outcomes.
Dr Katie Kumasaka – Phenomenology (Curtin University)
Katie Kumasaka is a Lecturer in the School of Education. She is a dedicated educator and passionate advocate for Humanities and Social Sciences. Katie’s PhD used phenomenological methods to investigate higher education student experiences with flow when learning online. Her current research involves phenomenologically exploring flow in Humanities and Social
Further information: https://www.herdsa.org.au/herdsa-webinar-series
HERDSA 2025 Annual Conference Abstract submissions are now open
Sunday 2 February 2025
The HERDSA 2025 Organising Committee invite you to support the advancement of higher and tertiary education and submit an abstract for consideration in the conference program. The following presentation formats are available:
• Showcase presentation
• Poster presentation
• Roundtable discussion (onsite only)
The 2025 conference will be a hybrid event. Your abstract may be considered for the onsite (conference venue) or the virtual (online) program: you will be asked to indicate your choice during the submission process.
For more information and submission guidelines, please visit the conference website. The abstract submission portal will close on Sunday 2 February 2025 (midnight AWST).
Further information: https://conference.herdsa.org.au/2025/abstracts/
Fellowship Panel Discussion - Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success
Thursday 26 September
Facilitated by Dr Cathy Stone, join the ACSES First Nations & Equity Fellows for a discussion that delves into the evolving concept of equity within higher education and beyond. This engaging session will explore the well-being of students, challenging existing policies, equity being a shared responsibility in ensuring that all students, particularly those from marginalised backgrounds, have the tools and support they need to thrive.
This discussion will offer valuable perspectives on the practicalities of equity, and the ongoing efforts to remove barriers in education and placement. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights into how we can collectively advance equality and inclusion in higher education settings.
This event will be live captioned, recorded, and include AUSLAN interpreters. It will be an online event, 10am-12pm GMT+10
Further information: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/f9f26ae6-0fec-4676-ae66-7394d53...@5a7cc8ab-a4dc-4f9b-bf60-66714049ad62
Technology Enabled Mentoring for the Higher Education Community
27 September, 12 noon
Mentoring has long been beneficial in higher education, especially for early career and junior academics. Benefits include enhanced competence, better career satisfaction, capacity building, and leadership development. Technology Enabled Mentoring (TEM) uses digital technologies to facilitate mentoring, overcoming geographical and scheduling barriers.
Join Dr. Pranit Anand (UNSW) and Professor Raj Shekhawat (Flinders University) as they present findings from their CAULLT-funded project, which explored TEM, informed by the lived experiences of academics who engaged in TEM due to geographical challenges as well as those who had to transition to online mentoring during COVID-19, as well as the experiences of the project team.
To register, click here (https://tinyurl.com/37kwacvh).
Further information: secretariat@caullt.edu.au
Third Sector’s 5th National Indigenous Education Summit
29 October - 1 November 2024
Indigenous education remains crucial for fostering a more inclusive nation, cultivating stronger leaders for tomorrow, and advancing Australia’s progress toward reconciliation. Yet there remains an educational gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students.
Join us at Third Sector’s 5th National Indigenous Education Summit to shape the future of First Nations students. Attendees will gain practical tools and strategies to nurture strong, resilient and culturally confident students through improved educational methods and inclusive frameworks. The event will also equip attendees with the resources needed to build a safe learning environment where students can thrive and learn, strategies to build stronger relationships with their students and their students’ guardians, how to integrate Indigenous culture and history into their classrooms and school landscape and creating a safe and healthy working environment for their workforce.'
Further information: https://indigenouseducation.co/
Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching position at SISTC
30 September 2024
The Sydney International School of Technology and Commerce (SISTC) is dedicated to transforming IT education's future and addressing global technology challenges. SISTC is recognised for its high-quality IT professional education, focusing on emerging areas such as data analytics, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and digital transformation.
The Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching is a pivotal leadership role at SISTC, integral to achieving the school's strategic objectives in learning, teaching, and maintaining academic excellence. The Associate Dean is responsible for innovative course design and delivery, ensuring academic quality and standards, leveraging data for continuous improvement, fostering the scholarship of learning and teaching, and developing robust assessment and course evaluation processes. Additionally, the Associate Dean will lead and contribute to research in learning and teaching, promoting a culture of excellence, innovation, and efficiency within the school.
The successful candidate will hold a PhD in an IT-related discipline and a postgraduate qualification in learning and teaching. Essential qualities include a proven record of research and leadership in learning and teaching, effective team leadership, and expertise in academic quality assurance.
Permanent full-time position with an academic appointment at Level D.
The closing date for applications is 30 September 2024.
If you are interested, please send your CV to A/Prof Hamid Salarian, Academic Dean, via email at dean@sistc.edu.au
CRADLE Symposium Panel - How could generative AI change work-integrated learning?
9th October
This year’s CRADLE International Symposium ‘How could generative AI change work-integrated learning?’ seeks to unpack current and timely research questions surrounding artificial intelligence and its role and impact with higher education and work. As a pivotal highlight of the Symposium program we are pleased to invite you to attend an exciting interactive public panel event.
AI is starting to fundamentally change the nature of both work and learning. What about learning through work? Many questions present themselves in a climate of simultaneous opportunities, dilemmas, and hazards: How will generative AI shift relationships between students, university educators and workplaces? How can approaches to workplace learning be reconsidered in light of generative AI? What might be the roles of generative AI in workplace assessment and feedback practices?
Facilitated by CRADLE's Prof Margaret Bearman, please join us for this panel discussion featuring an international cast of eminent higher education researchers, who will reflect on the emergent intersections between generative AI, higher education, and workplace learning, and offer potential directions for work-integrated learning in research and practice.
We look forward to engaging with you at this compelling and topical panel presentation at Deakin Downtown, or online.
Register Here: https://2024_CRADLE_Symposium.eventbrite.com.au
Further information: cradle@deakin.edu.au
Gen AI and Assessment in Higher Education: How Are We Tracking, and What’s Next?
Wednesday, 16 October
We invite you to a hybrid event hosted by the AARE Special Interest Groups: Assessment and Measurement SIG and Professional and Higher Education SIG, in collaboration with RMIT Global, Urban, and Social Studies School. The event is accessible and will be held both in person at the RMIT Oxford Scholar, Melbourne and virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, 16th October, starting at 4 pm. The in-person event will be catered for with a selection of light snacks and beverages.
Further information: https://www.aare.edu.au/events/calendar/gen-ai-and-assessment-in-higher-...
There’s still time to register for the Indigenous Higher Education Curriculum Conference (IHECC) 2024
25th – 27th November
A great opportunity to be a part of the conversation and learn from each other to get a sense of best practice across the sector.
This will be a very action packed and collaborative experience for all participants.
This year’s conference at a glance:
Dates: 25th Nov – 27th Nov (optional workshop day 28th Nov) University of Canberra
Cost: from $425 registrations close 30th September
Activities include:
For further information on registration, costs and schedule details, please see attached.
Registrations via this link: https://payments.canberra.edu.au/VW6/booking?e=IHECC001
Please consider coming along and sharing amongst your networks.
New online first articles in Higher Education Research and Development
Mapping the terrain of global research trajectory of international doctoral students: a bibliometric review, Yabing Liu, Xiaofan Zhang & Kun Dai, https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2024.2396356
Why shouldn't teacher education produce ‘ready-to-teach’ graduates? Mapping a pathway to alternative teacher education and teacher becomings, Olivera Kamenarac, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07294360.2024.2399068
Caught ‘in-between’: insights into international students’ doctoral thesis writing practices in China, Kun Dai, Ian Hardy & Yuxiao Jiang, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07294360.2024.2401017
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In the spirit of reconciliation HERDSA acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australasia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.
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