Have a say in the HERDSA 2024 Members Survey

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As a valued member of the HERDSA community, you are invited to participate in our annual HERDSA Membership Survey. Your participation in this short survey is important as it helps us to provide meaningful services and opportunities for you. Each year, we will ask for your feedback on what is working and what could be improved to help structure HERDSA offerings in a way that remains contemporary whilst meeting the needs of Australasia’s higher education sector.

The HERDSA Executive would appreciate you taking the time (~10 minutes) to complete this survey and provide us with constructive feedback. Please direct any questions about this survey to the HERDSA Executive through the Office of HERDSA: office@herdsa.org.au

Data collected through this survey will be used to inform improvements of the HERDSA offerings. Individual responses are anonymous and remain confidential. The data may also be used in research, external publications, and presentations but will remain non-identifiable.

Please complete the survey by Friday 1st November 2024.

Thank you in advance for your participation.
The HERDSA Executive

Further information: This is the survey link: https://forms.office.com/r/Rkun62fExJ