New South Wales

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The HERDSA NSW Branch provides an interdisciplinary scholarly community of regional and metropolitan members to promote the development of Higher Education policy, practice and scholarship of teaching and learning.  The branch provides opportunities for professional leadership and capability development for members.

HERDSA NSW Co-Branch Chairs

HERDSA New South Wales Branch Committee Members

NSW Branch Update 2023

NSW branch held an online event where Dr Melinda Lewis, UTS, presented on pedagogies to support Indigenous education. A/Prof Deb Clarke, CSU, gave a webinar on the HERDSA Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) modules. The year ended with a hybrid meet-and-greet event at the University of Sydney. The Branch committee has established a formal governance structure which led to a call for nominations to the Branch committee for the next two years. The names of successful applicants will be announced in March.