Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
Bob Cannon has been a member of HERDSA since 1974 when the society was less than two years old. For a long time, Bob was largely working solo in academic development in South Australia serving on the HERDSA Executive even though he was the only HERDSA member in South Australia for some years. Undeterred, he remained very active in disseminating the name and work of HERDSA through running seminars across all higher education institutions in South Australia. Bob worked in academic development at the University of Adelaide providing educational technology services and advice at a time when research and publication in the field was discouraged. Yet Bob managed to be a regular contributor to the newly established HERDSA News which he continues through his Meanderings column. In 1988 Bob authored the HERDSA Guide on lecturing, which is now in its third edition coauthored with Chris Knapper from STLHE. The list of contributions Bob has made to higher education internationally is long and extensive including consultancies in Papua New Guinea, Malaysia and Thailand. He was appointed Professor and principal consultant by the University of Indonesia to establish Indonesia’s first educational development centre and he continues his work through AusAID in Indonesia, The Philippines and Mongolia, most recently evaluating the Palestinian Faculty Development Program.