Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
Students’ Perceptions of Priorities in Nurse Education: Research Findings and their Curriculum Implications
Les Higgins, Pages: 117-127
Modern Language Teaching in Australian Universities
John A. Bowden, Christopher D. Starrs & Terence J. Quinn, Pages: 129-146
Achieving Academic Literacy: Disciplined Discourse
Sharon Parry, Pages: 147-159
Assessment of the English Skills of Tertiary Students
Allyson Holbrook & Sid Bourke, Pages: 161-179
Masters Degree Programs in Colleges of Advanced Education: Graduate Characteristics and Outcomes
Robert J. Sumner, Pages: 181-189
PhD Education and Australia's Industrial Future: Time to Think Again
J. Gurcharan Sekhon, Pages: 191-215
The Impact of Word Processing on Faculty Writing Behaviour
Lucio Teles & Ronald Ragsdale, Pages: 217-235
Assessing Research Performance of University Academic Staff: Measures and Problems
Fiona Q. Wood, Pages: 237-250
Pages: 251-261