Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
University-to-work transition and work placements: evidence of heterogeneous pay dynamics
Panagiotis Arsenis & Miguel Flores, Pages: 1689-1703
Direct instruction or active learning? The spectrum of first-year university teaching practices
Manuel Bächtold, Jacqueline Papet, Dominique Barbe Asensio & Appolinaire Ngoua Ondo, Pages: 1704-1720
A conceptual model for program-level assessment
Nicholas Charlton & Richard Newsham-West, Pages: 1721-1736
Language development vs language support: a critical discourse analysis of two Australian universities’ policies on student linguistic capabilities
Bronwen Dyson & Gaby Ramia, Pages: 1737-1753
Review Article
Designing for inclusion in work-integrated learning: a scoping review
Emily Garant-Jones, Michelle J. Eady & Bonnie Amelia Dean, Pages: 1754-1768
Implications of ChatGPT for higher education institutions: exploring Nepali university students’ perspectives
Som Nath Ghimire, Upaj Bhattarai & Raj K. Baral, Pages: 1769-1783
Beyond language: fostering an intercultural mindset in foreign language classrooms in Japan
Ana Sofia Hofmeyr, Pages: 1784-1800
Navigating tensions between institutional and cultural quandaries: reflexive journey of Chinese female doctoral students
Junnan Liu & Hunaxiang Lin, Pages: 1801-1815
‘Hazing, booze and bedrooms’: an autoethnography of sexual trauma in a university residential college
Elizabeth Mackinlay, Pages: 1816-1829
Review Article
Work readiness: definitions and conceptualisations
Kamini Peersia, Natasha Anne Rappa & Laura B. Perry, Pages: 1830-1845
Formations of new knowledge in doctoral supervision and examination in Australia: a preliminary investigation of the adequacy of the written thesis
Oksana Razoumova & Neil Hooley, Pages: 1846-1861
How can we conceptualise the current position of the retrospective PhD through published work in British Universities?
David William Stoten, Pages: 1862-1877
Professional adaptation of international academics: a critical discussion through the lens of complexity theory
Sun Yee Yip, Thi Diem Hang Khong & Eisuke Saito, Pages: 1878-1891
The shifting landscape of international higher education: Why Chinese returnees with overseas degrees come back for doctoral studies?
Kejin Zhu & Fangyao Zhang, Pages: 1892-1907
Symbolic violence, social control, and student loan programmes: the subterranean complexes
Hanwen Zhang, Pages: 1908-1916