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The Branch was established in October 2011 and, in conjunction with the University of Tasmania, facilitates the coordination of learning and teaching opportunities for professional development of HERDSA members. A pre-HERDSA conference workshop in June and a post-conference workshop in July enable members to share scholarly activities and receive peer feedback. In addition, members attend a workshop and collegial event during the annual University of Tasmania Teaching Matters conference. The Branch aims to inform members about best practices in learning and teaching and provide a forum for members to develop collaborative networks.

Branch Chair

Tasmania Branch Update April 2023

Kim McLeod, Sarah Prior and Susan Jones received UTAS awards last year. Sarah Prior and Tracy Douglas recently co-authored and published two papers each. A number of HERDSA members presented at the annual UTAS conference Teaching Matters. Branch members who presented included, Kim McLeod, Tina Acuna, Gemma Lewis, Tracy Douglas, Allison James, Sarah Prior, Wendy Quinn, and Suzie Waddingham. Tasmania members and UTAS staff interested in SoTL will be connecting weekly through 2023 to share initiatives in SoTL research, develop potential projects and participate in SoTL opportunities.