Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
HERDSA Qld on Show was held with 52 participants and all Queensland universities represented. Fourteen HERDSA22 papers were presented on a day of high energy and fun. The sharing of knowledge, research, educational practice, and camaraderie is everything that HERDSA seeks to generate. HERDSA Qld continues to actively engage branch members through monthly online Coffee Catch Ups, newsletters, presentations and sharing. Coffee catch ups are well attended and contribute to a strong sense of HERDSA Qld community. Our esteemed Branch secretary and former newsletter editor Mary-Ann Shuker is resigning. Mary-Ann made a significant contribution to the branch through her organisational skills, knowledge, and generosity of spirit. Dana Burfeind has also resigned. Dana was another powerhouse with lots of ideas and brilliant skills in bringing people together. Sincere thanks to Mary-Ann and Dana. 2023 will turn our focus to the HERDSA 2023 conference in Brisbane.