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HERDSA provides a range of publishing opportunities for authors and researchers in the field of higher education research and development. 

Higher Education Research and Development (HERD)

Higher Education Research & Development is published six issues a year, including an annual special issue on a theme decided by the editorial team. HERD is published by Taylor & Francis.

HERDSA Review of Higher Education

HERDSA Review of Higher Education is an annual review of key issues facing higher education in the Australasian region.


Over the years HERDSA has published numerous Green and Gold Guides, now known as HERDSA Guides. The Guides are peer reviewed, and have been written by some of Australasias leading academic teachers and researchers. These books have stood the test of time – they are successful because the information is synthesised, easy to read and provides current perspectives on issues relevant to teaching and learning in higher education. Herdsa Guides can be ordered from the Order Publications page.

HERDSA Annual Conference Proceedings

An edited collection of papers including keynote presentations is published at all annual Herdsa conferences under the title Research & Development in Higher Education Series.


HERDSA NEWS is the magazine of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia. which is publisehd three times a year.

HERDSA Notices

HERDSA Notices is a moderated email list produced weekly to keep HERDSA members informed about activities of HERDSA and decisions of the its Executive committee.